A kitten with the perfect mustache walked up to a couple and decided they would be family. Romain and Sabrine from France met O’gringo the kitten when he was three months old. The little one with the perfect mustache immediately took to them. “I tried to play with him to make a connection, and he […]
Passersby are captivated by the enchanting gaze of this blind cat on the street, irresistibly drawn to her presence.
When Sandra Coudray saw a photo of Jasmine, a blind chimera looking cat, on Association Adoption Feline Facebook page, she stole the French girl’s heart right away. The stray kitty was malnourished and scared of people, however, all it took was a little bit of love for her to believe in humans again. Now, the […]
A deaf cat, previously observed stumbling in the snow weeks ago, is now relishing a comfortable and snug existence.
A blind cat found stumbling in the snow weeks ago is now living the good life of comfort and warmth. OskarChatonsOrphelinsMontreal Last month, an orange and white cat was spotted outside in the snow, stumbling with a weak leg and desperately needing help. When a neighbor shared a rescue request on social media, volunteers from […]
Humorous Images: Fifty people share their experiences after introducing a new sibling to their pet.
Despite not being humans, we often see our fuzzy friends as members of our family and household, who live under one roof, sharing good times and bad. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that some of our pets might start to act like the other animals in the home are basically their […]
Upon encountering a stray cat, the rescuers traced her determined path and discovered three vulnerable kittens requiring care.
Every mother’s iпstiпct, пo matter if hυmaп or aпimal, is to protect her childreп, aпd what this cat did iп New Soυth Wales, Aυstralia, is the perfect example of what a mother caп do to save her creatυres. A passerby spotted a family of cats, composed by a mom aпd her three kitteпs, oп the […]